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For more than 40 years, Entegris has delivered innovative materials-science enabled solutions to the Semiconductor, Solar, Energy, LED, Life Sciences, Fine Chemicals, Petrochemicals & other technology markets.

These products and materials are often used to make the building blocks of many of the world’s most complex microelectronic products, such as computers, mobile devices and phones, data storage components, televisions and monitors, and automobiles. Headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, Entegris employs approximately 2,800 people worldwide. To ensure product performance throughout the production process, Entegris has extensive capabilities in chemical, mechanical, and physical property analysis. This experience offers you a broad portfolio of more than 17,000 materials, process control solutions and material handling products. Entegris Fluid Handling Systems comprise the industry’s broadest range of high purity fluid handling products including Components (PFA valves, Fittings Tubing & Pipe), Chemical Containers, Sensing and Control Products (Concentration Monitors, Flow Controllers, Flowmeters, Proportional Control Valves, Pressure Transducers & Espy Sensing Products), Cynergy Sanitary Products, Custom Products (Manifold Assemblies, Custom Coiled Tubing, PureBond Welded Assemblies). Entegris High Purity Filtration Products include Gas & Liquid Filtration, Purification, Chemical Filtration of Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC), Gas Diffusers, CMP Slurry, Photolithography, Chemical, Water & Solvent Filtration, & PVA Brushes for Post CMP Cleaning.

With a broad product offering, advanced manufacturing capabilities, worldwide infrastructure and unmatched technical expertise Entegris provides proven performance, efficiency and reliability in your processes. At Entegris, we are creating a material advantage.

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