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Andon in Terry County

Where’s Andon? – March, 26 2021

The ABB and Andon MobileGuard™ gas leak detection system continues to explore the Texas Panhandle area of the Permian Basin. Recently, hikers spotted it near one of the many pump jacks in Terry County.

What is MobileGuard? Think of it as the “Easy Button” for detecting and locating leaks across vast geographies like the Permian Basin!

It estimates a leak’s location and size through a sophisticated algorithm that assesses:
– multiple gas concentrations (CH4, C2 H6)
– local coordinates (GNNS)
– local wind velocity (sonic anemometer)

This reduces the time required to pinpoint and prioritize a leak, increasing safety and lowering emissions. EASY!

Learn More Here!

#oilandgas #permianbasin #abbability #mobileguard #andonspecialties

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